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How Smart Working Women Are 
Rocking Their Inner B!tch In Record Time
Without Hours of Talk Therapy!

Get Your FREE "Rock Your Inner B" Empowerment Meditation

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Get Your FREE Rock Your Inner B Empowerment Meditation

Did You Know?

When You Experience The Natural Relaxation Method™ You Can: 


•    RELEASE fears and unwanted memories

•    SAY GOODBYE to people-pleasing

•    SET healthy boundaries, guilt-free
•    STEP into your confidence
& authenticity
•    STOP smoking
•    STOP food cravings
•    SLEEP like a baby

•    STOP worrying
•    MANAGE the emotional storms of menopause

•    MANIFEST healthy love
•    CONCIEVE easier
•    ACHIEVE your goals easily
•    LEAD like a boss lady

Get To Know Me

Gaby Pineda, CCH
Relaxation & Empowerment Coach
Chief Happiness Officer

Hello, Beautiful!


As a Relaxation and Empowerment Coach, I've been facilitating uplevel relaxation and empowerment for clients internationally for over 15 years, which led to my development of The Natural Relaxation Method™. 

The Natural Relaxation Method™ incorporates a solution-focused holistic and natural approach to relaxation and transformational change with a protocol that affects the four bodies: mental, emotional, physical and energetic, leaving no stones unturned. 

Unlike talk therapy, the process feels like a guided meditation, but it is much more powerful and it's done in groups and on line. 


Yes, from the comfort of your favorite place!


The Natural Relaxation Method™ bridges the gap between wanting to change and actually doing it, which is a nice shift from many of the techniques you've likely tried so far. I know, I've been there!


The results are safe, fast, effective and transformational.


The best part is that through this process, you're empowered with the tools to deal with issues that may come up for you in the future when "life happens", because we all know it does, but when you have effective tools to help you ride each wave of life, you let go of the fear of the great UNKNOWN...


And instead of thinking, "OMG! What's going to happen?!"


You shift your perspective and begin to look at life with the curiosity and excitement of a child, "I wonder what's going to happen?" 


This method brings you to a place where you honour your inner B!TCH, so you can feel peace, freedom to be your authentic self, unapologetically, guilt-free and in balance. 


Let's define B!TCH shall we?








That's right, being a B!TCH means being authentic and prevents you from becoming an ANGRY CAT LADY.




So, if you're ready to let go of the people-pleasing worrywart and let the beautiful B!TCH inside of you start taking a leading-role in this thing called life, so you can feel more fulfilled, authentic and powerful...then I suggest we start getting to know each other a bit more...


But before that, I'm offering you a FREE Guided "Rock Your Inner B!tch Meditation" that you can download to give you a bite-size taste of what part of the process feels like.


And don't worry if you think you can't meditate or you've always struggled with meditation. I'm a Type "A" personality and a monkey I get it, but I'm also great at working with people who think they just can't do it...and then they find out they can!


See, the brain is no different than the body when you're going for a massage, the nicer you are to it, the easier the body I call this a massage for the brain...and who doesn't like massage? Hello!


But, I don't work with everyone, which is why we need to get to know each other a bit before we decide if we'd make a great team, because yes, this process takes two - I facilitate the process and you do the work. Then the magic happens.


These are some of the transformations I offer my clients:


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Group Empowerment Transformations

  • The Natural Anxiety Solution™

      (Anxiety, Worry & Fears)

  • The Natural Sleep Solution™

      (Sleep Like A Baby)

  • Monsterpause To Menopause™

      (Calm The Emotional Storm)

  • Rock Your Inner B!tch™

      (Confidence, Authenticity & Guilt-Free Boundaries)

  • Empowered Entrepreneur™

      (Overcome Self-Sabotage, Feeling Like An Imposter,

       Own Your Leadership & Develop Unwavering Focus)

  • The Eloquent Speaker™

      (Confidence In Public Speaking)

  • Healthy Love Genie™

      (Manifest Healthy Love)

  • Tame The Food Dragon™

      (Stop Food Cravings)

  • Healthy Lungs - Happy Life ™

      (Smoking Cessation)

  • The Natural Fertility Solution™

      (Improve Your Chances of Conceiving)

  • Love Your Inner Child™

      (Self-love and Releasing Unwanted Memories That Lead To Self-Sabotage)

  • Making Friends With Your Shadow™

      (Stop People-Pleasing & Inner Conflicts)​


Here's to your empowered future,​







Gaby Pineda, CCH

Relaxation & Empowerment Coach

Chief Happiness Officer​​​​​



Get Your FREE Rock Your Inner B Empowerment Meditation

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